SE Software Tech + Altstadt Taxi

Code updates that are pending prompt comprehensive testing, complete site audit, and continuous monitoring.



Transportation Services // Online Taxi Booking // Local Business // Service Industry


Online Taxi services // Automotive Industry // Transportation Industry



We are your reliable taxi company that focuses on punctuality and flexibility. For over 30 years we have been bringing our customers to their destination safely and in a friendly manner. Whether in the region or beyond, we offer all types of passenger transport, airport transfers, medical transport and courier services. Rely on our experience and knowledge of every road to always transport you on time and safely. Find out more about us and book your next trip with us!

Project summary

In the creation of the “Leading Altstadt Taxi Hub Website,” our mission was to engineer an interactive and user-centric platform that not only entices visitors but also streamlines the ordering process for laptop repair service centers. Confronted with imminent mandatory codebase updates on thmaeir WordPress website, Altstadt Taxi partnered with SE Software Tech to assess the potential impact on the site’s front-end functionality and overall user experience. SE Software Tech conducted comprehensive testing, simulating the exact codebase updates. Following this, we meticulously reviewed each page and all site functionalities to identify any effects caused by the code modifications.

Additionally, SE Software Tech conducted an audit and analysis of the existing website framework to assess the risks associated with the code update and to determine the best strategies for ongoing site management. Upon completion, we presented our findings to the Altstadt Taxi team and offered several recommendations on how to address each issue and manage the site comprehensively in light of the forthcoming code updates.

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