Highlighted Projects & Case Studies
Explore our more advanced WordPress projects to discover the challenges we faced and the successes we achieved for our clients.

SE Software Tech + First Leaf
Comprehensive website migration with detailed infrastructure review, custom graphics, and logo creation. Regular updates and security enhancements applied.

SE Software Tech + Barnes Cars LTD
Innovative web design with custom graphics, logo creation, and optimized backend infrastructure. Continuous updates and security monitoring in place.

SE Software Tech +Kaba Yan Mop
Full-scale site redesign featuring custom graphics, new logo, and optimized backend functionality. Ongoing maintenance and security checks performed.

SE Software Tech + Village Hunter Organic
Backend website infrastructure rebuilt and optimized on a modern platform, improving performance and reliability.

SE Software Tech + IKAL Technologies
Full-scale site redesign featuring custom graphics, new logo, and optimized backend functionality. Ongoing maintenance and security checks performed.

SE Software Tech + Laptop Tech
Custom graphics and logo integration paired with rigorous WordPress updates and security enhancements.

SE Software Tech + Ifix Laptop
Complete site overhaul with new design elements, enhanced features, and strengthened security protocols.

SE Software Tech + EZ Laptop Repair
Seamless website migration with thorough testing, infrastructure upgrade, and detailed security audits.

SE Software Tech + Finer Blusoror
Full-scale redesign includes updated graphics, new logo, and enhanced backend functionalities for improved user experience.

SE Software Tech + NYRB Contracting Inc
Continuous updates and security measures ensure the website remains current, safe, and fully optimized.